Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Pick Up - 59. FC-AFC GOOD IDEA'S OUTTA SIGHT, "Stevie" LM, Ken Neil

A look at Stevie's 2018 and current year points...

2018 Open: 1.5           Amateur: 2
2019 Open: 0              Amateur: 6.5

All-Age Lifetime Points: 68

Came to the line at 7:58 am

Flyer - To the area tight turns and got it.

Middle Retired - Good line, Stevie got through the pond and turned right away from the bird and ran a mowed path to the fence. He turned left behind the mound and came all the way around and went back into the cover. He got back out to the right end and back in the cover. He got behind and switched to the long retired mound and bird.

Picked Up