Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Pick Up - 56. FC-AFC GUNSTOCK'S WIN CHESTER, "Chester" LM, Yvonne Hays

A look at Chester's 2018 and current year points...

2018 Open: 6.5          Amateur: 11
2019 Open: 10.5        Amateur: 0

All-Age Lifetime Points: 49.5

Came to the line at 7:34 am

Flyer - Hunted tight in the area.

Middle Retired - Across the field into the pond. Hit the next field and turned right, making one loop and he got back on line towards the mound. Chester got into the cover on the mound at the right end and worked his way to the bird.

Long Retired - Out across the field and into the pond, getting across the next field and into the following pond at the left end of the mound. Chester go out and kept going. Had to get the guns out to help.