Friday, June 21, 2019

Handle - 9. OTCH-AFC GOLDSTAR STEADFAST NATHAN, "Nate" LM, Connie Cleveland-Nolan

Fun Fact on Nate: He completed his AFC in September 2017. He is 1.5 points away from his FC.

8:24 am

Duck Flyer - Made quick work of finding this bird.

Rooster Retired - Nate hunts deep of the bird and expands a wide loop before coming into the bird.

Pheasant Hen Flyer - He got out to the bird through both ponds. Nate established a hunt on the hillside that expanded deep and into the draw. Another loop back in front of the gunners and he had his bird.

Pheasant Hen Retired - He went across to the area and established a hunt left of the bird but had to handled to it.