Friday, June 21, 2019

Handle - 14. FC-AFC SUNDOG'S MAXIMUM PURSUIT, "Max" LM, Paula Elmes

Fun Fact on Max: He has a litter mate #91 Buster (4/13/11). He completed his FC in October 2014 and AFC in August 2015.

8:53 am

Duck Flyer - Nice Flyer

Rooster Retired - Max got through the pond and drove the hillside and was on his bird.

Pheasant Hen Retired - Getting through the pond he got to the base of the hill. Sliding past the rooster retired he heads deep. He gets a quick handle back to his bird.

Pheasant Hen Flyer - Moving out in  a line similar to the hen retired, Max moves on with hesitation to cut across the draw and established a hunt for the flyer.