Fun Fact on Marvin: He is a litter mate with #34 Baby (9/18/11). He also won a Double Header in 2018 and also completed his FC & AFC in March 2018.
Duck Flyer - Marvin went out through the weeds then up the hill, under the arc and back to the left down the hill to get his bird.
Rooster Retired - Directly to his bird.
Pheasant Hen Flyer - Marvin got out across the field on an angle culminating with a line in front of the flyer guns. He got out of sight in the draw. He came back in the front of the guns and hunted short. He then he went back toward the dead hen and had to be handled.
Pheasant Hen Retired - He got into the first pond and into the back pond on a line left of the bird. He got handled to his bird.