This blog you are following is one of a set that Retriever News manages for four different retriever nationals. It was set up in its present form in 2009.
Here are some statistics on how it is followed by the retriever fancy:
The page views generated by followers adds up to over three and a half million page views since 2009. Just during this National for example, the blog received 65,000 page views on Monday alone. And on Tuesday it had already generated 27,000 page views by 10:30 am.
Page view statistics (all numbers approximate) for National Amateur blogs:
2019 National Amateur through Tuesday mid-morning: 211,000 views
2018 National Amateur: 345,000 views
2017 National Amateur: 652,000 views
2016 National Amateur: 539,000 views
2015 National Amateur: 504,000 views
2014 National Amateur: 398,000 views
2013 National Amateur: 432,000 views
2012 National Amateur: 325,000 views
2011 National Amateur: 214,000 views.
The stats reflect a general increase over time, not surprising with anything having to do with the internet. Lower numbers can be explained by fewer dogs entered at that National and the combining of series, which has a significant impact on how frequently people want to check on progress and the latest developments.
Where do they come from?
The great majority are accessed via the Retriever News website. Another sizable number are accessed from Facebook with RTF also responsible for some.
Of the 211,000 page views generated by this National Amateur recorded as of mid-morning on Tuesday, 202,000 had originated from the US, 5000 from Canada and 500 from Australia, with the remaining 3,500 originating in Puerto Rico, Iceland, France, Portugal and several other countries.
So every time you go check the blog it counts!