Wednesday, June 19, 2019

9. OTCH-AFC GOLDSTAR STEADFAST NATHAN, "Nate" LM, Connie Cleveland-Nolan


Year(s) Entered A National Event
2018 - NARC
2017 - NARC

Nate got to the line at 7:55 pm.

Pheasant Flyer - Nate came in right of the bird. He quickly made a left turn and got it.

Short Retired - He went down the low side of the hill then turned left to go up and straight to his bird.

Duck Flyer - Getting across the right side of the hills towards the bird, Nate got way deep right but came back down the hill and got his bird.

Long Retired - Down the valley towards the blind, he got into the stream and went on to retrieve his bird.