Wednesday, June 19, 2019

31. FC-AFC SEASIDE'S GORGEOUS GEORGE, "Clooney" LM, Michael Robicheaux


Years Entered A National Event
2018 - NRC
2017 - NRC

Clooney came to the line....

Pheasant Flyer - A few quick turns and he got it.

Short Retired - Clooney went to the top of the ridge then down the slope to the valley where he worked his way back up to the bird.

Duck Flyer - Going down to the valley, he crossed the stream, then cut up just in front of the guns. With a quick turn back down the hill he went to his bird.

Long Retired - He cut the side of the hill and held a nice line to just right of the blind. A few turns by the blind then he crossed over and got his bird.