FC-AFC MOXIE GUNNER, "Moxie" LF (7/23/10)
Years Entered A National Event
2018 - NARC
2017 - NARC
2016 - NRC / NARC
2015 - NRC
Moxie came to the line at 9:32 am.
Pheasant Flyer - Moxie scooped up her bird and headed back.
Long Retired - A quick launch and she was on her way. A hunt in the valley then she pushed up the hillside behind the duck gunners, but she came back down and she worked out her bird.
Short Retired - Very Good Mark!
Duck Flyer - She worked her way to establish a hunt behind the gunners and then she moved above them. Briefly she got in front of the gunners and she came back with her bird.