Thursday, June 20, 2019

113. FC-AFC BAYOU-STAR ROYAL BABY, "Brit" LF, John Caire


Lifetime Open Points: 13
Lifetime Amateur Points: 51.5
Lifetime Derby Points: 26

9:34 am

Brit's first whistle came on the wide shore to adjust her line. Her next two whistles came to move her left while in the cove. Getting to the right point, she had to get a cast to get off. While on her swim she had to get a whistles to move left to get her on the point, where once she was on, she had to get another whistle to get off. This cast carried her to the point where she again had to take two whistles to get off. Brit's final blow of the whistle was in the last bit of the water and this brought her all the way to her bird.